NOTE: This device is not for sale to residents of California. |
Have you ever wished you could just roll back the roof and let some fresh air into your home or office?
Go ahead; plug in a Sun Fresh Ozonator.
"Let A Little Sunshine In"
We are happy to offer you this air cleaning device that combats smells, odors, and germs without perfume or chemicals. The technology mimics that of the sun.
The ozone-50 is a small device that plugs directly into the electric outlet in your home or office. It produces ozone, which is known to combat germs in the air. The longer the device is kept on, the more pathogens and germs will be oxidized from the air. Larger spaces can require longer running time for a noticeable difference to be observed. Some problematic areas might require multiple devices in the same room. |
Ozone does produce a smell. Some liken the smell to fresh rain. A different smell is often produced when the ozone comes in contact with a bad odor or germ. Afterward, the sweet smell will again return. (To read about ozone, Click Here.)
How to use:
Plug the device into the electric outlet. Lift the black switch upward to turn it “On” for continuous output. Press the black switch downward to turn off. For 30 min. ozone output, press the circular putton in the middle while black switch is downward.
Room Specifications:
Minimum room size is 100 sq. feet. The space in which the device is used should be no smaller than 10 square feet (approx. 10ftX10ft room).If ozone smell is strong in a room, turn it off and allow ventalation.
Ozone Output:
The Ozone-50 ozone output is 50mg of ozone per hour.
Unplug the Ozone-50 from the electric outlet. Vacuum the imput and output areas evey time you vacuum a room. Additionally, clean every 3 months or sooner depending upon frequency of usage.
When used in a room of 100 sq. ft. or larger the ozone output is safe for animal and human presence. Some individuals may be sensitive to ozone and could experience eye and throat irritation. . Alternately those with sensitivities could use the device while not present in the room. Those with lung issues cound be hypersenative to ozone. DO NOT put face directly in front of device while device is running. Keep it out of face level.
The Ozone-50 has a 30 day money back guarantee from BioAnue Labs and comes with a 1 year warranty should it fail. Please contact BioAnue Labs Inc. for a return number.
This Device was Hand Picked:
Gloria Raber, company CEO, and Dr. Raber personally tested the Ozone-50 in their home prior to offering it to you.
The Ozone-50 keeps rooms fresh-smelling. Odors such as soiled laundry, full waste baskets, and cooking smells can be reduced and eliminated over time. Dr. and Mrs. Raber found the DL-50 to be effective in the kitchen, living room, office, bedrooms, bathrooms, and laundry. Think about what causes a lot of air-borne odors—sportswear, exercising equipment, pets, damp towels, leftover dishes—now think about the refreshing effects of ozone in the air. It’s like bringing a little sunshine into your home. What makes the Ozone-50 unique from other devices is the ability to reduce or increase the ozone as needed per room.
To read more about ozone technology, Click Here.